Monday, September 15, 2008

Some pictures of our dorm

We moved into our dorm on Friday the 12th and we were pleasantly surprised with the accommodations. Our unit is on the corner of our building so we have a whole stretch of windows. Unfortunately, only one opens. There is no screen either but we haven't had any bats yet!! We have a mini Kitchenette (behind Linn in the photo) that consists of a two burner cooktop, a good size mini fridge and a sink. We also have our own bathroom (shower, toilet and sink). The building was probably built in the 70s, so it's new in comparison to the rest of the town but old and funky too. We've made two trips to IKEA for some cheap essentials and cooked our first meal in our little home tonight. The dorm is in a nice area, a whole neighborhood of students, who are from all over. This area is referred to as the student "city" even though it is part of the whole Montpellier.
Jessica and Scott Spahr (good friends of ours) have been on their European Vacation for the last week and stopped in Montpellier for two nights. We had a great time exploring with them. On Sunday the four of us went to a little town called Carnon which is on the Mediteranean. Scott, Jessica and I hadn't ever seen it but it was beautiful. The weather wasn't perfect but we made the most of it. We walked the beach and had a picnic lunch of bread, cheese and sausage. Jessica and I also managed to find the ice creamery too! We love our ice cream.
The first real days of school are Tuesday, we'll update the blog again soon! 


apetrusky said...

Hey! Cute place - it's not all bad like they made it sound! Food sounds delish! You should take pics of your meals before you eat them and start an art project of beautiful food. Hey, Adam's grandpa used to take pics of his martini before he drank them! Good things deserve to be captured on film (that's my Martha comment for the day). Sounds like you're having a great time! All is well in Seattle, and it's still sunny!

apetrusky said...

As a side note, this is the first "blog" I've ever belonged to and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I get that other people can see what you write. So I'll refrain from saying mean things about people (like that Jessica sucks for getting to visit you before I did).

Unknown said...

I know it's too late now, but Bon Chance with your first day!

Cadby said...

Looks "quaint" but serviceable. Now if you can train the bats to fly over the 2 burner cook top....well Linn, what is the appropriate varietal?